Mon Aug 22 04:52:22 PDT 2011
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Hello guys, I am back at solving my slony problems. >>You could also check the sl_status table to see what the lag is and confirm >>that events + confirmations are flowing. Both of my databases do not contain a table called "sl_status": server:~> psql -d databasename databasename=# select * from sl_status; --> ERROR: relation "sl_status" does not exist Why is the sl_status table missing? What other slony tables should be there and where should they be located? Is every slony table to be found in any database which is set up for replication? Even on the old server, where slony works, I couldn't "select * from sl_status;"... further I am now using pgAdmin 1.14 RC1. But pgAdmin is not the problem, since it shows the subscriptions on the other slony-server, but not on the newly configured. Hence the problem is the slony configuration on the new server I'm working on. So the question remains. What went wrong during the slony setup, which causes no subscriptions to be made? How could I check for the configured subscriptions without using pgAdmin? Help is highly appreciated, since I am stuck for weeks now. Thanks for any hints. Have a great day, Marcus Steve Singer-2 wrote: > > On Fri, 19 Aug 2011, marmu wrote: > >> 2) how can I test if slony is set up correctly? I guess I should insert >> something and check if the data is replicated. Any other possibilities? > > Inserting data and waiting to see it replicated is the best way to be > sure. > > You could also check the sl_status table to see what the lag is and > confirm > that events + confirmations are flowing. > > > > >> The scripts I am using are at pastebin: >> /etc/slony-I/setup-slonik_master: >> /etc/slony-I/setup-slon_master: >> /etc/slony-I/setup-slonik_slave: >> /etc/slony-I/setup-slon_slave: >> >> The slave script is already altered, I added: "subscribe set ( id = 1, >> provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no);" >> >> I am struggling to set up the slony replication for weeks. Thanks a lot >> for >> your help in advance. >> >> Cheers, Marcus >> -- >> View this message in context: >> >> Sent from the Slony-I -- General mailing list archive at >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Slony1-general mailing list >> Slony1-general at >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > Slony1-general mailing list > Slony1-general at > > > -- View this message in context: Sent from the Slony-I -- General mailing list archive at
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