Steve Singer ssinger at
Tue Nov 30 10:06:16 PST 2010
On 10-11-30 11:13 AM, Emma Lovatt wrote:
> Sorry I’m working on the information the DBA has given me as I myself am
> not a DBA but really trying hard to understand J
> The error in the slony log is:_
> 2010-11-10 13:21:50 GMTERROR remoteWorkerThread_1: "update only
> "public"."stp_seatingmaps" set paà;
> " ERROR: syntax error at or near ""
> LINE 1: update only "public"."stp_seatingmaps" set paà;
> This happens when that table is updated on the master and it tried to
> replicate to the slave producing that error, we have had to turn off the
> replication on that table for the moment.  We are running RedHat
> Enterprise Linux 5 advanced server 64 bit, Postgresql Plus Advanced
> server 8.4 and slony is version 2.0.3

Your are hitting this because you are on slony 2.0.3.  Upgrade to 2.0.4 
or 2.0.5

2.0.3 had a bug that caused this issue.

> Thanks for answering so quickly, I hope this is a bit more information
> for you
> *From:* Vick Khera [mailto:vivek at]
> *Sent:* 30 November 2010 16:06
> *To:* Emma Lovatt
> *Cc:* slony1-general at
> *Subject:* Re: [Slony1-general] Replication breaking on a table and can
> you replicate certain parts of a table
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Emma Lovatt
> <emma.lovatt at <mailto:emma.lovatt at>> wrote:
> You say "replication is breaking". Please describe your symptoms
> exactly. Nobody can offer you help without knowing exactly what you
> observe. Also include details on what system you have and what
> versions of your OS, Postgres, and slony you are running.
> My first guess based on zero information is that someone ran a schema
> alteration without running it through the slonik EXECUTE SCRIPT
> command.
>>  Our entire database is encoding SQL_ASCII. I found that there may be a
>>  possibility that the bytea column is not replicating and it is due to the
>>  encoding of the database which is SQL_ASCII could anyone confirm this?
> this is incorrect. bytea columns replicate just fine.
>>  My second question relates to my first if I cannot replicate my bytea
>>  column, I would like to know if it is possible to only replicate parts
> of a
>>  table and miss out certain columns, is this possible?
> no. the minimal unit of replication is the table.
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