Tue Nov 30 08:21:46 PST 2010
- Previous message: [Slony1-general] Replication breaking on a table and can you replicate certain parts of a table
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Mark Steben | Database Administrator @utoRevenue® - "Keeping Customers Close" 95D Ashley Ave, West Springfield, MA 01089 413.243.4800 x1512 (Phone) |413.732-1824 (Fax) @utoRevenue is a registered trademark and a division of Dominion Enterprises ________________________________________ From: Mark Steben [mailto:msteben at autorevenue.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:13 PM To: 'slony1-general at lists.slony.info' Subject: install instruction Hi I might just be blind (Been accused of it many times), but Im having trouble Installing slony1-2.0.5 and cant seem to find installation instructions In www.slony.info . I seem to get the ./configure to work but am getting Errors on the make command. If someone could point me to doc, or give me some insights relative To slony1-2 and how installation is different from slony1-1. I previously Had that successfully installed. Thank you, The rest of us are flying blind until you show the error you got... also details like what OS you're on would be useful. Im ok now. At first I installed 2.0.5 took the tarball out of the main slony website www.slony.info For some reason the source was missing some input components: src/slony1-2.0.5/src/slony_logshipper/scan.c to be exact So I reverted back to 2.0.4 and the install went flawlessly Do I need to stay away from 2.0.5? Mark Steben | Database Administrator @utoRevenue® - "Keeping Customers Close" 95D Ashley Ave, West Springfield, MA 01089 413.243.4800 x1512 (Phone) |413.732-1824 (Fax) @utoRevenue is a registered trademark and a division of Dominion Enterprises
- Previous message: [Slony1-general] Replication breaking on a table and can you replicate certain parts of a table
- Next message: [Slony1-general] install instruction
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