Mark Steben msteben at
Tue Nov 23 13:12:45 PST 2010


I might just be blind (Been accused of it many times), but I'm having

Installing slony1-2.0.5 and can't seem to find installation instructions

In .  I seem to get the ./configure to work but am getting

Errors on the make command.


If someone could point me to doc, or give me some insights relative

To slony1-2 and how installation is different from slony1-1.  I previously

Had that successfully installed.


Thank you,


Mark Steben | Database Administrator 
 <> @utoRevenueR - "Keeping Customers Close" 
95D Ashley Ave, West Springfield, MA 01089 
413.243.4800 x1512 (Phone) |413.732-1824 (Fax) 
 <> @utoRevenue is a registered trademark
and a division of Dominion Enterprises 


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