Vick Khera vivek at
Thu Nov 18 05:53:44 PST 2010
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Christopher Browne
<cbbrowne at> wrote:
> For instance if it takes 20 minutes for SUBSCRIBE SET to complete, it's
> pretty likely that you want to wait for that to be complete before
> proceeding with other configuration that depends on it.

None of my scripts ever have a WAIT in them.  I break up my scripts to
be pretty atomic, and I rarely do anything after the subscribe except
sit and wait hours for the copy to happen.

The one thing I'd like to have is a warning when issuing shape
changing commands such as move set if the backlog of events is very
high (say, more than 5 or 10).  On occasion, I've forgotten to check
and issued the move when there was a 10 minute backlog.  I ended up
waiting that out, but it was tense. ;)

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