Steve Singer ssinger at
Thu Nov 18 05:52:04 PST 2010
On 10-11-18 08:11 AM, Jaime Casanova wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Jaime Casanova<jaime at>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Steve Singer<ssinger at>  wrote:
>>> Other than that I am not aware of any issues 1.2 will have with 9.0.  I
>>> haven't done much testing of 1.2 with 9.0 (have others?) but while I was
>>> testing 2.0.x against 9.0 betas I don't recall seeing anything that
>>> needed back-porting.
>> mmm... well, i have postgresql 9.0.1 installed on a node (this was
>> installed via the yum repository) and because the repo have 2.0.4 and
>> i don't want to kill my existing slony installation so i'm compiling
>> 1.2.21 and get this error:
> once i solved this, i encounter another problem when trying to store
> the node with 9.0... it told me that it can't open the xxid.v84.sql
> file... i think that datatype isn't used anymore so it shouldn't be
> looking for that file at al... right?

This is with the tip of REL_1_2_STABLE right?

1.2 still uses xxid, (2.0 does not).

That change to add 8.4/9.0 compatibility is missing somethings (a copy 
of the xxid.v84.sql).

I propose the following patch for 1.2

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