Jaime Casanova jaime at 2ndquadrant.com
Thu Nov 18 04:55:25 PST 2010
2010/11/17 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim at gunduz.org>:
> On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 15:14 -0500, Jaime Casanova wrote:
>> mmm... well, i have postgresql 9.0.1 installed on a node (this was
>> installed via the yum repository) and because the repo have 2.0.4 and
>> i don't want to kill my existing slony installation so i'm compiling
>> 1.2.21 and get this error:
> Cannot duplicate this on my F-13 and RHEL-5 boxes, both on 1.2.21 and
> 2.0.5. I remember to have seen it before, but I fixed is somehow in
> RPMs, but I don't remember how :) Probably it was a packaging error.

what i did to solve this...

download pg 9 sources and recompile using pg_config --configure
installed by pgdg repo (hope that put things in the same place and
that yum doesn't get confused if i try to remove)

Jaime Casanova         www.2ndQuadrant.com
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL

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