utha zoro utha_de_hikaru at yahoo.co.id
Tue Nov 9 22:01:38 PST 2010

output for : 

SELECT * from _ad_cluster.sl_table where tab_id=1


tab_id | tab_reloid | tab_relname | tab_nspname | tab_set |   tab_idxname   | 
tab_altered |   tab_comment     
       1 |     147286 | ad_element  | adempiere   |       1 | ad_element_pkey | 
t           | Table ad_element (1 row)

output for : 

\d ad_element

 ad_element_id  | numeric(10,0)               | not null
 ad_client_id   | numeric(10,0)               | not null
 ad_org_id      | numeric(10,0)               | not null
 isactive       | character(1)                | not null default 'Y'::bpchar
 created        | timestamp without time zone | not null
 createdby      | numeric(10,0)               | not null
 updated        | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
 updatedby      | numeric(10,0)               | not null
 columnname     | character varying(30)       | not null
 entitytype     | character varying(40)       | not null default 'D'::character 
 name           | character varying(60)       | not null
 printname      | character varying(60)       | not null
 description    | character varying(255)      | 
 help           | character varying(2000)     | 
 po_name        | character varying(60)       | 
 po_printname   | character varying(60)       | 
 po_description | character varying(255)      | 
 po_help        | character varying(2000)     | 
    "ad_element_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ad_element_id)
    "ad_element_uppercolumnname" UNIQUE, btree (upper(columnname::text))
    "ad_element_clientorg" btree (ad_client_id, ad_org_id)
    "ad_element_name" btree (name)
Check constraints:
    "ad_element_isactive_check" CHECK (isactive = ANY (ARRAY['Y'::bpchar, 
Foreign-key constraints:
    "entityt_adelement" FOREIGN KEY (entitytype) REFERENCES 
ad_entitytype(entitytype) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
Referenced by:
    TABLE "ad_column" CONSTRAINT "ad_element_ad_column" FOREIGN KEY 
(ad_element_id) REFERENCES ad_element(ad_element_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY 
    TABLE "ad_element_trl" CONSTRAINT "adelement_adelementtrl" FOREIGN KEY 
(ad_element_id) REFERENCES ad_element(ad_element_id) ON DELETE CASCADE 
    TABLE "ad_infocolumn" CONSTRAINT "adelement_adinfocolumn" FOREIGN KEY 
(ad_element_id) REFERENCES ad_element(ad_element_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY 
    TABLE "ad_process_para" CONSTRAINT "adelement_adprocesspara" FOREIGN KEY 
(ad_element_id) REFERENCES ad_element(ad_element_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY 
    _ad_cluster_denyaccess_1 BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON ad_element FOR 
EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ad_cluster.denyaccess('_ad_cluster')


what i have to do next, mr? thx



Dari: Shoaib Mir <shoaibmir at gmail.com>
Kepada: utha zoro <utha_de_hikaru at yahoo.co.id>
Cc: slony1-general at lists.slony.info
Terkirim: Rab, 10 November, 2010 12:49:20
Judul: Re: [Slony1-general] Error when delete replication

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 4:38 PM, utha zoro <utha_de_hikaru at yahoo.co.id> wrote:

ERROR:  Slony-I: alterTableRestore(): Table with id 1 not found
>CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "_ad_cluster".alterTableRestore( $1 )"
>PL/pgSQL function "uninstallnode" line 14 at PERFORM

Whats the output for:

SELECT * from _ad_cluster.sl_table where tab_id=1

And once you find the tablename please also show the output for:

\d <tablename>
Shoaib Mir

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