Joseph S jks at
Tue Jun 22 09:49:11 PDT 2010
I dropped and recreated the slony installation to get around the 
problems I had created, and everything has been working normally for a 
few days.  +1 on 2.0.4 RC2

Joseph S wrote:
> Steve Singer wrote:
>> Joseph S wrote:
>>> I'm having a problem with 2.0.4 but it isn't related to the problem I 
>>> was having with 2.0.3.  I had a table that I kept creating, adding to 
>>> the slony replication set, and then dropping and starting over.  
>>> During this time I wasn't running slony because of the bugs in 2.0.3.  
>>> Now that 2.0.4 rc2 is running it got stuck in a loop trying to create 
>>> this table and failing because it existed already.  I kept dropping 
>>> the table from my slave until that wasn't a problem anymore but now it 
>>> is stuck in a loop doing this:
>> When you say 'and then dropping and starting over'  exactly how are you 
>> dropping it?
>> The 'proper' way is to do a 'set drop table' via slonik and then drop 
>> the table.    If your doing a SQL DROP TABLE first, then you are 
>> probably hitting bug # 128 
> Yup, that's exactly what I did.

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