Steve Singer ssinger at
Wed Jul 21 11:34:46 PDT 2010
Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Steve Singer <ssinger at> wrote:
>> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>>> Note that this is with Ubuntu 10.04 with the karmic repo enabled to
>>> get pgsql 8.3 from there.
>> Do you have the postgresql-server-dev-8.3 package installed?
>> The ubuntu 9.x system I have access to puts the headers in that second
>> -server-dev package.  10.04 is probably the same.
> Yep.  Have that.  It won't get through ./configure without it.

Do they include pg_config? if so try passing 
--with-pgconfigdir=/path/to/pg_config on the configure command line.

It can't find xact.h which should be at include/server/access/xact.h

Steve Singer
Afilias Canada
Data Services Developer

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