Vick Khera vivek at
Tue Oct 13 07:23:38 PDT 2009
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:56 AM, Lawrence Giam
<lawrenceg at> wrote:
> I have some questions regarding upgrading/downgrading of PostgreSQL version with regards to Slony-1. I currently have PostgreSQL 8.1.17 and Slony-1 1.2.16 installed.
> 1. Suppose I want to upgrade PostgreSQL to 8.1.18, do I need to re-build Slony with the PostgreSQL 8.1.18 source ?
> 2. Suppose I upgraded PostgreSQL to 8.1.18 and found there are some problem, is it possible to downgrade it back to 8.1.17 without any problem with Slony or do I have to rebuild Slony again?

0) no need for HTML attachments of your company logo on the mailing
list.  It really doesn't help solve your problem in any way, and just
wastes everyone's resources.  in fact, plain text mail is even better.
1) you should not need to.  the API/ABI in postgres doesn't change in
minor release numbers.
2) should not be a problem.  see 1 above.

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