Mon May 4 21:03:56 PDT 2009
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I set up a slony cluster to replicate from an 8.2.13 database to a 8.3.7 database (slony 1.2.15) . During the initial copy this has been going on for over 3 hours: select "_prod".finishTableAfterCopy(29); analyze "public"."el"; gdb shows: (gdb) bt #0 0x0000003c144c54f0 in __read_nocancel () from /lib64/ #1 0x00000000005919c6 in FileRead (file=<value optimized out>, buffer=0x1fd08bcc "\t", amount=<value optimized out>) at fd.c:1039 #2 0x0000000000592223 in BufFileRead (file=0x1fd08ba0, ptr=0x212af860, size=8192) at buffile.c:237 #3 0x000000000065cca8 in ltsReadBlock (lts=0x21245a00, blocknum=149704, buffer=0x212af860) at logtape.c:227 #4 0x000000000065d5fe in LogicalTapeRead (lts=0x21245a00, tapenum=<value optimized out>, ptr=0x2121ebe0, size=24) at logtape.c:796 #5 0x000000000065f624 in readtup_index (state=0x1f905300, stup=0x7fff7f710ef0, tapenum=52, len=<value optimized out>) at tuplesort.c:2797 #6 0x000000000065e3ac in mergeprereadone (state=0x1f905300, srcTape=52) at tuplesort.c:1936 #7 0x000000000065e461 in mergepreread (state=0x97) at tuplesort.c:1904 #8 0x00000000006608d8 in tuplesort_performsort (state=0x1f905300) at tuplesort.c:1753 #9 0x0000000000469bb0 in _bt_leafbuild (btspool=0x1fbb1be0, btspool2=0x1fd08bcc) at nbtsort.c:203 #10 0x0000000000466c36 in btbuild (fcinfo=<value optimized out>) at nbtree.c:136 #11 0x0000000000648827 in OidFunctionCall3 (functionId=<value optimized out>, arg1=47722312327280, arg2=47722312268368, arg3=532345328) at fmgr.c:1586 #12 0x0000000000492819 in index_build (heapRelation=0x2b6737796070, indexRelation=0x2b6737787a50, indexInfo=0x1fbaf1f0, isprimary=0 '\0') at index.c:1366 #13 0x000000000049330c in reindex_index (indexId=16904) at index.c:2284 #14 0x000000000049356e in reindex_relation (relid=<value optimized out>, toast_too=1 '\001') at index.c:2393 #15 0x00000000004e2c02 in ReindexTable (relation=0x1fb15da0) at indexcmds.c:1344 #16 0x000000000052d1ad in _SPI_execute_plan (plan=0x7fff7f711890, Values=0x0, Nulls=0x0, snapshot=0x0, crosscheck_snapshot=0x0, read_only=0 '\0', fire_triggers=1 '\001', tcount=<value optimized out>) at spi.c:1700 #17 0x000000000052d931 in SPI_execute (src=0x1fb6d260 "reindex table \"public\".\"eventlog\"", read_only=0 '\0', tcount=0) at spi.c:342 #18 0x00002b67377b0413 in exec_stmt_dynexecute (estate=0x7fff7f711ba0, stmt=0x1faa3f90) at pl_exec.c:2688 #19 0x00002b67377b1ac7 in exec_stmts (estate=0x7fff7f711ba0, stmts=<value optimized out>) at pl_exec.c:1264 #20 0x00002b67377b31d5 in exec_stmt_block (estate=0x7fff7f711ba0, block=0x1faa40b0) at pl_exec.c:1114 #21 0x00002b67377b3b4f in plpgsql_exec_function (func=0x1fa8efb0, fcinfo=0x7fff7f711e00) at pl_exec.c:291 #22 0x00002b67377aaaae in plpgsql_call_handler (fcinfo=0x7fff7f711e00) at pl_handler.c:95 #23 0x000000000051837e in ExecMakeFunctionResult (fcache=0x1f97a740, econtext=0x1f97a630, isNull=0x1f97ad48 " �]", ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- isDone=0x1f97adf0) at execQual.c:1351 #24 0x00000000005168e3 in ExecProject (projInfo=<value optimized out>, isDone=0x7fff7f7122ac) at execQual.c:4610 #25 0x0000000000527203 in ExecResult (node=0x1f97a520) at nodeResult.c:155 #26 0x0000000000516356 in ExecProcNode (node=0x1f97a520) at execProcnode.c:319 #27 0x00000000005155df in ExecutorRun (queryDesc=<value optimized out>, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0) at execMain.c:1335 #28 0x00000000005a68e1 in PortalRunSelect (portal=0x1f9032f0, forward=<value optimized out>, count=0, dest=0x1f8c32f0) at pquery.c:943 #29 0x00000000005a7ab9 in PortalRun (portal=0x1f9032f0, count=9223372036854775807, isTopLevel=0 '\0', dest=0x1f8c32f0, altdest=0x1f8c32f0, completionTag=0x7fff7f7125b0 "") at pquery.c:769 #30 0x00000000005a38a4 in exec_simple_query ( query_string=0x1f8c1fa0 "select \"_prod\".finishTableAfterCopy(29); analyze \"public\".\"el\"; ") at postgres.c:1004 #31 0x00000000005a44f8 in PostgresMain (argc=4, argv=<value optimized out>, username=0x1f820a10 "postgres") at postgres.c:3631 #32 0x000000000057b16a in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:3207 #33 0x000000000057bc2f in PostmasterMain (argc=2, argv=0x1f81bb90) at postmaster.c:1029 #34 0x00000000005353de in main (argc=2, argv=<value optimized out>) at main.c:188 (gdb) quit What is going on here? This reindexing has been going on for far longer than the initial copy time. Any why is it reindexing? finishTableAfterCopy() should be a noop.
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