cbbrowne cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info
Thu Jan 22 09:46:59 PST 2009
Nimesh Satam wrote:
> Nickolay,
> Thanks for your help. I am new to slony and not sure from where to get
> the new updates and bug fixes. Can you direct me where I can get this
> patch?
> Also would really appreciate if you can give me some guidelines about
> the sl_log_1 and sl_log_2 tables. Most of the replication if working
> fine, But the two tables never seem to get empty.
You should only expect for one or the other table to be emptied once in 
a while; if there is regularly data coming into your database, I would 
not be surprised if you would *never* see both tables totally empty.

There was a bug in how the trimming was evaluated; see the following 
commit log:


The email contains the patch; you could also consult the CVS repository 
directly via the instructions here:


output = reverse("ofni.sailifa.ac" "@" "enworbbc")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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