Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Thu Dec 3 14:56:47 PST 2009
Vick Khera wrote:
> I found an error.  the "drop" statement generated by the
> drop_if_exists function does not qualify the function name's schema.
> I restored my schema from a dump with slony 2.1.16, then added the
> drop_if_exists() function to it from the 1.2.18 file (manually
> replacing @NAMESPACE@ with _rt which is my namespace).
> Specifically:
> vktest=# select _rt.drop_if_exists ('ddlscript_complete', 'int4, text,
> int4');ERROR:  function ddlscript_complete(integer, text, integer)
> does not exist
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "drop function ddlscript_complete(int4, text, int4);"
> PL/pgSQL function "drop_if_exists" line 7 at EXECUTE statement
> changing the drop to be:
>   ... v_drop := ''drop function @NAMESPACE at .'' || p_function ...
> allows it to succeed:
> vktest=# select _rt.drop_if_exists ('ddlscript_complete', 'int4, text, int4');
> drop_if_exists
> ----------------
I committed this to CVS, along with a bump to version number.  I'll not 
release 1.2.19 today, but would seriously consider doing so tomorrow...

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