Sweta Mulgavker sweta.mulgavker at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 02:33:57 PDT 2009
Hello ,

Can anyone tell me how to stop slony....

I tried slon_kill but it says

bash-3.2$ /usr/bin/slon_kill
slon_kill.pl...   Killing all slon and slon_watchdog instances for the
cluster replication
1.  Kill slon watchdogs
No watchdogs found

2. Kill slon processes
No slon processes found

i have started the replication daemons on master & slave by using following

On master run
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/slon $CLUSTERNAME "dbname=3D$MASTERDBNAME user=3D$MAST=
host=3D$MASTERHOST port=3D$MASTERPORT" > slon.log &

On slave run
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/slon $CLUSTERNAME "dbname=3D$SLAVEDBNAME user=3D$SLAVE=
host=3D$SLAVEHOST port=3D$SLAVEPORT" > slon.log &

Now I dont know how to stop it ...

Regards ,
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