Knight, Doug dknight at
Wed Oct 15 08:32:24 PDT 2008

I am working on some automation scripts to handle adding and dropping
time partitioned tables. I'm looking at Section 20.1 in the
documentation, and understand the "traditional approach". I was
wondering if anyone had an example for the method using
add_empty_table_to_replication? If I understand the steps correctly:


1.	Create the new empty partition table on the origin
2.	Create the new empty partition table on the target(s)
3.	Run a shell script invoking slonik with an EXECUTE SCRIPT
command, referencing an SQL script containing a call to


It's the third step I'm unsure about. Do I need to use EXECUTE SCRIPT,
or could I just execute the call to the function on each system (origin
then target)? An example of the shell script using EXECUTE SCRIPT for
this specific instance would help a lot.




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