Glyn Astill glynastill at
Mon May 26 03:00:19 PDT 2008
I'm not sure that would work, if N1 was subscribed to S and S subscribed to M,  then the replication clusters would be separate wouldn't they?

Can you have downtime on the subscribers? Maybe you could take down S, create a new temporary S at the same site as M, replicate it, back up the data directory send it over to the the site where the real S is and restore the data and bring S back up.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Martin Eriksson <M.Eriksson at>
> To: slony1-general at
> Sent: Monday, 26 May, 2008 8:23:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] pg_dump/pg_restore keeping all slony stuff intact?
> that doesn't sound to encouraging! 
> maybe I'll try the following:
> got Master node M, and Slave node S.
> on the machine where i got node S i create a new postgres installation and start 
> up a second postgres creating a new database on it and calling it N1.
> start up a slony deamon for N1 saying that S is the master and since its all 
> locally it goes pretty fast to replicate across all data to N1, then when all 
> synced up I switch it over to to use M as the master instead of S and then 
> cutting out S from the cluster leaving N1 in its place.
> and setting up a new site in a similar way create a new postgres installation on 
> a machine that already has a slave node, replicate it over same way as above 
> then just copy the whole data directory onto a portable hard drive take it to 
> the new location and just copy it in and fire it up as a new node (would require 
> some restarts of the master node i guess to know of the added slave) but 
> hopefully doable?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glyn Astill" 
> To: "Martin Eriksson" , slony1-general at
> Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 9:59:12 AM GMT +02:00 Athens, Beirut, Bucharest, 
> Istanbul
> Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] pg_dump/pg_restore keeping all slony stuff intact?
> I looked into this briefly a few weeks ago.
> >From what I could see slony references the OIDs of individual objects, and 
> since it's not possible to maintain object OIDs across a pg_dump and pg_restore 
> the slony schema is in effect "shagged".
> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Martin Eriksson 
> > To: slony1-general at
> > Sent: Monday, 26 May, 2008 7:25:34 AM
> > Subject: [Slony1-general] pg_dump/pg_restore keeping all slony stuff intact?
> > 
> > Hi people,
> > 
> > I'm wondering if there is a way to shut down a slave slony node take a dump 
> > using pg_dump of the database on that node
> > dropping that database then using pg_restore to restore the database and then 
> > happily just fire up slony again.
> > 
> > I tried this and it did not work.
> > 
> > The reason why I ask is that we got a few slave nodes distributed around the 
> > world and some nodes are on rather slow links mainly due to the geographic 
> > location. The database is around 40 gigs so just re-creating the node and 
> > letting it replicate across is just not possible the slave node will never 
> catch 
> > up. replicating 40 gigs across to these nodes will take several days and that 
> is 
> > not really an option.
> > 
> > we are trying to do 2 things.
> > 
> > 1. upgrade to postgres 8.3.1 (currently on 8.2.4)
> > 2. adding a new slave node in a remote location. (its ALOT faster to FedEx a 
> > harddrive with the dump and pg_restore it there then the full replicaiton 
> would 
> > ever be)
> > 
> > but as i said I've had no luck using pg_dump and pg_restore to re-create a 
> wiped 
> > slave node :(
> > 
> > what i've tried so far on a test system is:
> > 
> > 1. replicate the database (1 Master 1 Slave)
> > 2. Verify replication is working correctly
> > 3. shutting down slony (for both slave and master, using slon_kill)
> > 4. use "pg_dump -Z 9 -Fc -o db > /tmp/slonyDump.dmp" on the salve db (tried 
> > without the -o as well)
> > 5. re-create the db and then load the dump it into it with "pg_restore -Fc -d 
> db 
> > /tmp/slonyDump.dmp"
> > 
> > then i try to just start it again, with the slon_start for both master and 
> > slave)
> > 
> > but I get:
> > 
> > 2008-05-23 18:35:30 EEST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "select 
> > "_db_cluster".sequenceSetValue(1,1,'581','32'); " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  
> > Slony-I: sequenceSetValue(): sequence 1 not found
> > 
> > so maybe either my pg_dump or my pg_restore was not doing a complete job.
> > 
> > I'm open to try more or less anything so please if anyone got some ideas of a 
> > way to restore a database in a way that will make slony startup and not force 
> a 
> > full replication?
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