Troy Wolf troy at
Thu Jun 26 11:13:43 PDT 2008
I have not had a response to the error I received when trying to
subscribe a third node to my set. So in the meantime, I'm
investigating logshipping which is probably a better option for the
replication needs of this third node anyway.

I've read the logshipping notes a dozen times.

I used on Node 2 (subscriber to set 1 from Node 1). It
appeared to work fine. It quickly produced a SQL file that is about
11MB. On the third node, I am using this command to import the dump:

psql -d my_db_name -a -f dump.txt

The import is failing, and it appears it is choking on an array
column. That is, I have a table with a column that has a data type of
text[] -- which is an array. In the dump, this is represented as
{a,b,c}. If I take the line that the import is choking on and remove
that column, it works.


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