Wed Jun 25 14:28:08 PDT 2008
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Nodes: 1,2,3 Sets: 1 Node 1 is origin. Node 2 is subscribed to set 1 using: subscribe set (id=1, provider=1, receiver=2, forward=yes); This works fine. Now I want to add Node 3 into the cluster and subscribe it to set 1 using node 2 as the provider. I tried to do this: subscribe set (id=1, provider=2, receiver=3, forward=yes); I see in node 3's slon log that it is continuously attempting to copy all the tables in the set, but it fails with this error: 2008-06-25 17:05:10 EDT ERROR remoteWorkerThread_2: "select "_slony".subscribeSet_int(1, 2, 3, 't'); notify "_slony_Event"; notify "_slony_Confirm"; insert into "_slony".sl_event (ev_origin, ev_seqno, ev_timestamp, ev_minxid, ev_maxxid, ev_xip, ev_type , ev_data1, ev_data2, ev_data3, ev_data4 ) values ('2', '292975', '2008-06-25 16:58:12.379701', '98189397', '98199106', '''98189397'',''98199029''', 'SUBSCRIBE_SET', '1', '2', '3', 't'); insert into "_slony".sl_confirm (con_origin, con_received, con_seqno, con_timestamp) values (2, 3, '292975', now()); commit transaction;" PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR: Slony-I: subscribeSet_int(): set 1 is not active, cannot change provider I am confused by both parts of this error. That is, set 1 is in fact "active". Node 2 is being kept in sync with Node 1 using set 1. "Cannot change provider" worried me that I somehow was messing with Node 2's subscription to set 1. The query below shows that set 1 is in fact active. select 'Set ' || sub_set as \"Set\", 'Node ' || sub_provider as \"Is Provided By\", 'Node ' || sub_receiver as \"Is Received By\", sub_forward as \"Is Forwardable\", (select case when sub_active then ' Is Active ' else 'Is Not Active' end) as \"Is Active\" from sl_subscribe; Returns: Set | Is Provided By | Is Received By | Is Forwardable | Is Active -------+----------------+----------------+----------------+------------- Set 1 | Node 1 | Node 2 | t | Is Active
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