Nelson Correia nelsonwc7 at
Tue Jul 29 10:16:39 PDT 2008

Today I've noticed that my replication environment become out of sync yeste=
rday. The last item replicated was dated "2008-07-28 16:08:50.790741+01" UT=
C. =

So, I've checked slony log on that slave and it was saying:

2008-07-29 17:16:50 WEST ERROR  slon_connectdb: PQconnectdb("dbname=3D<my_d=
atabase> host=3D<my_ip> port=3D<my_port> user=3D<my_user> password=3D<my_pa=
ssword>") failed - could not create socket: Too many open files2008-07-29 1=
7:16:50 WEST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: cannot connect to data provider 1=
 on 'dbname=3D=3D<my_database> host=3D<my_ip> port=3D<my_port> user=3D<my_u=
ser> password=3D<my_password>

Then, I've restarted the slon daemon, and now it keeps saying:

2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766485 =
SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766=
486 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1=
,766487 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue eve=
nt 1,766488 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue=
 event 1,766489 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: q=
ueue event 1,766490 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_=
1: queue event 1,766491 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThr=
ead_1: queue event 1,766492 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListe=
nThread_1: queue event 1,766493 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteL=
istenThread_1: queue event 1,766494 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 rem=
oteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766495 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2=
 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766496 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DE=
BUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766497 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07 WES=
T DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766498 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:07=
 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766499 SYNC2008-07-29 18:1=
2:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766500 SYNC2008-07-29 =
18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766501 SYNC2008-07=
-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766502 SYNC200=
8-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766503 SYN=
C2008-07-29 18:12:07 WEST DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event 1,766504=
 SYNC2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG2 remoteHelperThread_1_1: 1.431 seconds =
delay for first row2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1: =
fetched 100 log rows2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThread_1_1:=
 deliver 10 lines to worker2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThre=
ad_1_1: allocate line buffers2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHelperTh=
read_1_1: fetch from cursor2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThre=
ad_1_1: fetched 100 log rows2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHelperThr=
ead_1_1: deliver 10 lines to worker2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remoteHe=
lperThread_1_1: allocate line buffers2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG4 remote=
HelperThread_1_1: fetch from cursor2008-07-29 18:12:08 WEST DEBUG2 slon: ch=
ild terminated status: 11; pid: 18234, current worker pid: 182342008-07-29 =
18:12:08 WEST DEBUG1 slon: restart of worker in 10 seconds
And does not do any sync.

Any idea of what could have happened and how to solve it?


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