Glyn Astill glynastill at
Wed Jul 23 08:58:02 PDT 2008
Hi Chaps,

What's the best way to check if a table is in slony-i replication without knowing anything specific about the replication cluster/set?  There is no need to tell if it's an origin or subscriber, just that slony is in operation on the table?

The best I could come up with was (where the table name is "credit"):

select count(*) from (pg_trigger join pg_class on tgrelid=pg_class.oid)
join pg_proc on (tgfoid=pg_proc.oid) where (proname = 'denyaccess' or proname = 'logtrigger') and relname = 'credit';

If the result > 0 then it's replicated.

Is there any case I'd be missing something here, or is there a better way?

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