Ehl Le ehl22_12 at
Sat Jul 5 03:38:14 PDT 2008

I'm pretty annoyed now...  The last days I tried to set up slony to replicate the database on to slave from one master - that works very fine now.

But the problem is that slony requires from the slave to be able to connect to the master, something I don't want, since the slave is not entirely sealed, there are database-users on the slave-server, I do not want slony to store login-information in it's database on the slave nor do I want to allow access *from* a slave *to the master* (pg_hba) that access really required?

All I want is that slony replicates one database on the slave, nothing more. That login-information stored in the slave's slony-database also contains the password to the master-server.  I just can't use trust on the master-server for auth, since as I said, there are also other users on the slave which could connect to the master without supplying a password then.

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