ajcity victor.aluko at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 08:45:26 PDT 2008

"Stéphane A. Schildknecht" wrote:
> ajcity a écrit :
>>   Hi all,
>>   I have a master node running PGSQL 8.3.1 and Slony 1.2.13  RHEL 3 and 2
>> nodes with the same PGSQL and Slony versions on OpenSuSE 10.3
>>   I wanna upgrade the Postgres to 8.3.3 on all 3 nodes, how do I do this
>> without having to drop my replication clusters and are there any known
>> issues with between Slony 1.2.13 and Postgresql 8.3.3?
>>   Do I also have to upgrade the Slony cos I wanna wait till Slony 2.0 is
>> fully released before doing this?
>>   Thanks for you help in advance.
>>    Victor
> To upgrade PG, you just have to install the new version on every server
> and
> restart the postmaster. That's all.
> The replication won't be impacted.
> You could upgrade Slony, also. In order to do that, you have to compile it
> on
> every node, stop the replication, upgrade stored procedures with the
> "update
> functions" directive, and the restart slon. That's it. You can have a look
> at
> that page : http://slony.info/documentation/slonyupgrade.html
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Président de PostgreSQLFr
> Tél. 09 53 69 97 12
> http://www.postgresql.fr
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  Thanks for your quick response and making it straight to the point.
  I have one more question:
    For the nodes running OpenSuSE, I installed the Postgresql from the
tarball and in order to upgrade the Postgresql I have to change pgsql folder
name which might affect the Slony installation.
Do I have to re-install Slony in the new pgsql folder or do I just copy the
'slon' and 'slonik' command executables?
  Thanks in advance for your response.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Upgrading-Postgresql-8.3.1-to-8.3.3%3A-Any-issues-with-Slony1-1.2.13-tp18234291p18240617.html
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