Craig James craig_james at
Fri Feb 22 19:18:11 PST 2008
I'm trying to migrate a node for the second time, and no luck.  Last time I tried it, it just got stuck, and due to lack of time, I didn't investigate.

This time I watched -- it got stuck again, doing some sort of huge SELECT statement.  I was under the impression that migrating a node was a fairly simple operation that should happen in a short time (less than a minute?) even for large databases.

I waited 10 minutes, during which the entire system was completely locked up (no other process could access the database), and our web site was offline.  I finally had to kill all of the slon daemons and kill Postgres to get our site back on the air, then run the node-unlock command to get Slony back in shape.

This system appears to otherwise be working well.  I can insert, update and delete records, and they're copied to the slave node immediately.

What's up?  Am I just too impatient?


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