Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Thu Feb 21 14:24:55 PST 2008
damien clochard <damien at> writes:
> hi !
> The last fews weeks, the PostgresSQL french spreaking community 
> ( has launched a new i18n project. We're going to 
> translate Slony's documentation.
> We'll start in the forthcoming days. For more info on our workgroup , check 
> out our wiki :
> We're open to any advice or suggestion. 
> If you want to get involved in this project, please join our mailing-list :
> I really can't tell when we will release the first translation, but i believe 
> this could go pretty fast. 
> À bientôt ! :-)

May I suggest that you follow CVS HEAD on this...

There are quite a number of things in HEAD that are not in the 1.2
branch (naturally, as there are new features in HEAD).  Features are
frequently identified with version information; where they aren't, and
should be, that is likely a bug :-).

At any rate, I frequently find myself adding docs to HEAD and not
bothering with adding it to older versions, even though a particular
change may be relevant to both branches...
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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