philippe rouxel prouxel.pacte at
Wed Feb 6 02:45:18 PST 2008
the segmentation is because I put no conninfo  in the node admin

 node 1 admin conninfo='host= dbname=fb7 user=pgslony port=5433';
 node 2 admin conninfo='';
  init cluster (id = 1, comment = 'Node 1 - fb7 at');

  store node (id = 2, spoolnode = true, comment = 'Node 2 ');

But I see in Slony.c

 2011 : cbbrowne 1.54         /* Eliminate no_spool evaluation - all
nodes are "real nodes" */  /* if (!stmt->no_spool) */
 2012 :     		

 2013 :     	if (db_begin_xact((SlonikStmt *) stmt, adminfo1) < 0)
 2014 :

So is this spoolnode really active or each node must have its own db ?

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