Fri Sep 14 08:27:54 PDT 2007
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I put the SQL statement that you supplied and it returned no results. That means no duplicate triggers? BTW, I also let Slony replicate the data across to the slave db after a 10 second delay because I found anything else was not sufficient for the replication to occur reliably. Is that normal? The slonik script I'm running to set up the replication is below (I removed a bunch of tables and sequences to make this shorter): ======================== START ====================== #! /bin/bash host=`hostname` if [ $host = "CM" ] then HOST_PRIME=${CM_eth2_CM2} HOST_BACKUP=${CM2_eth2_CM} else HOST_PRIME=${CM2_eth2_CM} HOST_BACKUP=${CM_eth2_CM2} fi DB_PORT=5432 rm -f /root/slony_setup.log echo "Starting Slony setup" `date` > /root/slony_setup.log if [ x$1 = "xuninstall" ] then slonik <<_EOF_ 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log cluster name = t1; node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_PRIME port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_BACKUP port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; try { uninstall node (id = 1); } on error { echo 'Could not uninstall Slony-I on node 1'; exit -1; } try { uninstall node (id = 2); } on error { echo 'Could not uninstall Slony-I on node 2'; exit -1; } echo 'Slony-I successfully uninstalled on database smsdb'; _EOF_ if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo Errors were detected. Please review /root/slony_setup.log. Uninstall halted. exit -1 fi exit 0 fi rm -f ~/.pgpass echo $HOST_PRIME":5432:*:slonysu:pass" >> ~/.pgpass echo $HOST_BACKUP":5432:*:slonysu:pass" >> ~/.pgpass chmod 600 ~/.pgpass slonik <<_EOF_ 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log cluster name = t1; node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_PRIME port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_BACKUP port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; try { echo 'Initializing the cluster'; init cluster (id = 1, comment = 'Node 1'); } on error { echo 'Could not initialize the cluster!'; exit -1; } echo 'Database cluster initialized as Node 1'; try { create set (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'smsdb tables'); } on error { echo 'Could not create subscription set!'; exit -1; } echo 'Subscription set created'; try { echo 'Adding tables to the subscription set'; echo ' Adding table public.t_fl_beam...'; set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1, id = 1, full qualified name = 'public.t_fl_beam', comment = 'Table public.t_fl_beam'); echo ' done'; <---- + A WHOLE OF BUNCH OF OTHER TABLES and SEQUENCES ----> echo ' Adding sequence public.t_sla_condition_set_id_seq...'; set add sequence (set id = 1, origin = 1, id = 108, full qualified name = 'public.t_sla_condition_set_id_seq', comment = 'Sequence public.t_sla_condition_set_id_seq'); echo ' done'; } on error { echo 'Could not add tables and sequences!'; exit -1; } echo 'All tables added'; _EOF_ if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo Errors were detected. Please review /root/slony_setup.log and fix the errors. exit -1 fi sleep 10 slonik <<_EOF_ 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log cluster name = t1; node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_PRIME port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_BACKUP port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; try { echo 'Storing node 2 - try 1'; store node (id = 2, comment = 'Node 2'); } on error { echo 'Could not create Node 2!'; exit -1; } _EOF_ slonik <<_EOF_ 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log cluster name = t1; node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_PRIME port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_BACKUP port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; try { drop node ( id = 2 ); uninstall node ( id = 2 ); echo 'Recreating node 2 - try 2'; store node (id = 2, comment = 'Node 2'); } on error { echo 'Could not create Node 2!'; } try { echo 'Creating store paths'; store path (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_PRIME port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'); store path (server = 2, client = 1, conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_BACKUP port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'); } on error { echo 'Could not create store paths!'; exit -1; } echo 'Store paths created'; try { echo 'Storing listen network'; store listen (origin = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2); store listen (origin = 2, provider = 2, receiver = 1); } on error { echo 'Could not store listen network!'; exit -1; } echo 'listen network stored'; _EOF_ if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo Errors were detected. Please review /root/slony_setup.log and fix the errors. exit -1 fi /usr/local/bin/slon_start 1 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log /usr/local/bin/slon_start 2 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo Errors were detected. Please review /root/slony_setup.log and fix the errors. exit -1 else # /usr/local/bin/slon_start 1 2>/root/redundancy/slon-smsdb.err >/root/redundancy/slon-smsdb.out # /usr/local/bin/slon_start 2 2>>/root/redundancy/slon-smsdb.err >>/root/redundancy/slon-smsdb.out # slon t1 "user=slonysu host=$HOST_PRIME dbname=smsdb" 2>/root/slon-smsdb.err >/root/slon-smsdb.out & echo slon has been started on the master and slave and placed into the background. echo It is logging STDOUT to /root/slon-smsdb.out and STDERR to /root/slon-smsdb.err. echo fi slonik <<_EOF_ 2>> /root/slony_setup.log 1>> /root/slony_setup.log cluster name = t1; node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_PRIME port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=smsdb host=$HOST_BACKUP port=$DB_PORT user=slonysu password=pass'; try { subscribe set (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no); } on error { echo 'Could not subscribe the set to the slaves'; echo '-> Try again'; try { echo 'Recreating node 2 - after subscribtion failure'; store node (id = 2, comment = 'Node 2'); } on error { echo 'Could not create Node 2!'; exit -1; } try { subscribe set (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no); } on error { exit -1; } } echo 'Database smsdb subscribed to slaves'; _EOF_ if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo Errors were detected. Please review /root/slony_setup.log and fix the errors. exit -1 fi echo The installation has succeeded. At this time the slaves should be receiving the data echo from the master. ======================== END ====================== -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Browne [mailto:cbbrowne at] Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 11:05 AM To: Slawek Jarosz Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] Replication stopping "Slawek Jarosz" <Slawek.Jarosz at> writes: > Hello, first of all thanks for the quick response. > > I am pretty sure no one has added a trigger by hand. The servers are > only controlled by me and I haven't done anything. However the main > database that I'm working with has triggers on half of the tables. > These are BEFORE or AFTER triggers and these triggers cause another > table to be updated automatically (a log of all database actions > performed). Well, that suggests that there shouldn't be lavish quantities of hand-hacked stuff, at least :-). > What puzzles me is that fact that replication is running great of a > long period of time (hours) before these issues can be seen. When > they occur, I have to recreate the master and slave databases (BTW, > I'm using PostgreSQL 7.4.2), running the slonik scripts to create the > nodes, subscription sets and everything else before the replication > starts again. slon_kill & slon_start does not fix the issue. Is > there any other way to restart Slony? It is likely that there was some more or less subtle thing broken in the configuration that you didn't find. slon_kill / slon_start will fix things like: - DB connections that have gotten mussed up due to network events - A slon that has gotten confused ABOUT ITS STATE (OOPS - KEYBOARD WEIRDNESS JUST NOW...) > When you mentioned that one of the tables has duplicate triggers on > it, how can I check which one? select a.* from pg_trigger a, pg_trigger b where a.tgrelid = b.tgrelid and a.tgname = b.tgname and a.oid <> b.oid; -- output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "") MULTICS MAN!!!! With his power ring PL-1, backed by the mighty resources of the powerful H-6880, his faithful sidekick, the Fso Eagle, and his trusted gang: "The System Daemons", he fights a never-ending battle for truth, security, and the Honeywell Way! -- T. Kenney
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