Mason Hale masonhale at
Mon Sep 3 11:19:43 PDT 2007
Hello everyone --

I'm planning to use Slony divide work across two postgres servers.

Our environment is such that there are two mostly separate pieces,
each updated by a separate application. The data that is updated by
the first application is only read by the second application and data
updated by the second application is only read by the first

Slony looks like a good solution to our needs, as we can replicate one
set of tables in each direction between a first and second database

We're running 8.2.4 and our db is ~150GB in size (and growing fast).

We are using the table partitioning features of Postgres to break up
our larger tables and keep indexes in RAM.

My questions are:

- In slony, when replicating inherited/partitioned tables, do you
replicate each child table individually? Or can you add the slony
triggers to the parent table? (Because some of these tables are
partitioned based on a creation date, we end up adding new tables

- Is it possible to replicate from a partitioned table to a
non-partitioned table?

- Is it possible to replicate from a partitioned table to table that
is partitioned differently?

The access patterns of our two applications are quite different. One
application would benefit partitioning based primary key, while the
other would be better off partitioning the same table based on
creation date of the row. Granted there is high correlation between
the primary key and creation date, but the actual queries use one or
the other.

So would it be possible to create a table in the first database
partitioned by serial primary key, and replicate that table (and its
child tables) to a second database where the same table is partitioned
based on creation date?

thanks in advance,

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