Ouray Viney oviney at avaya.com
Wed Oct 24 08:05:07 PDT 2007
Hi All:

I actually tried creating a symlink to that location (on all the
nodes)... as I suspected the same.  To be safe, I restarted the servers
on all the nodes, but this still didn't resolve the errors.

ERROR:  access to library "$libdir/xxid" is not allowed
STATEMENT:  load '$libdir/xxid';

Any other ideas?

Kind Rgds,

Ouray Viney

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Sullivan [mailto:ajs at crankycanuck.ca] 
Sent: October 24, 2007 9:44 AM
To: Ouray Viney
Cc: slony1-general at lists.slony.info; slony1-general at gborg.postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] problems with

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 11:46:04PM -0400, Ouray Viney wrote:
> 1.
> The location was in /usr/lib/pgsql/xxid.so and the permissions were

> 2.
> The location of libdir in my installation:
> [root at pgmaster ~]# pg_config | grep LIBDIR
> LIBDIR = /usr/lib

This is your problem, I think.  Because

> ERROR:  access to library "$libdir/xxid" is not allowed

should expand to /usr/lib/xxid.  Which doesn't exist.  I'm not sure
why it's happening this way, but you could perhaps do something about
it by making a symlink.

> This leads me to my next question; Why doesn't PostgreSQL not
> translate/evaluate the variable $libdir?  

It does.  See above.

> Here is a list of the binary versions that I have installed (Just
> to make it clear what software versions I am using

I think someone who knows more about the packaging stuff will have to
speak to this.  I don't use RPMs if I can avoid it.

Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at crankycanuck.ca
"The year's penultimate month" is not in truth a good way of saying
		--H.W. Fowler

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