Don Barthel dbarthel at
Wed May 16 14:41:20 PDT 2007

> The error message is more an indication that Slony-I *prevented*
> something bad from happening...

OK, good to know. Is there anything I can to to 'encourage' slony to
catch up quicker? Its really moving llike molasses.
st_last_received_event_ts has advanced only 12 minutes in the past
hour and a half. Restarting slony didn't help.

Disconnecting the subscriber application server from the application?
Running some sort of slonik script? Rebooting? Kicking slony in the

As always, thanks for the brain cycles!

- Don Barthel

On 5/16/07, Christopher Browne <cbbrowne at> wrote:
> Don Barthel wrote:
> > Jeff:
> >
> > Thanks for your help.
> >
> > I have some big/complicated indexes on one particular table and since
> > I have lots of memory to spare I've just now increased my
> > shared_buffers from 20000 to 40000 (and SHMMAX at the OS level
> > appropriately) and reload'ed postgresql but things are still
> > progressing slowly.
> >
> > I notice in my /var/log/messages on the origin (and not on the
> > subscriber) this:
> >
> > May 16 14:55:26 coliseum postgres[21817]: [1-1] ERROR:  duplicate key
> > violates unique constraint "sl_nodelock-pkey"
> >
> > sl=slon, right?
> >
> > Doing this: select * from "_usedstuff".sl_nodelock; I get:
> >
> > nl_nodeid | nl_conncnt | nl_backendpid
> > -----------+------------+---------------
> >         1 |          0 |         18083
> >         2 |         10 |         18089
> >         2 |         11 |         18090
> >
> > Only three records. And I notice that the index on this table is:
> > "sl_nodelock-pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (nl_nodeid, nl_conncnt)
> >
> > This looks like a problem to me but I cannot fathom where to start to
> > fix it. Any clues? Thanks in advance!
> This would normally result from trying to start up a second slon process
> when one is already running.
> The constraint on sl_nodelock prevents two slon processes from trying to
> work on things at the same time, and consequently mussing things up.
> The error message is more an indication that Slony-I *prevented*
> something bad from happening...

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