Andrew Sullivan andrew at
Mon Mar 19 01:28:46 PDT 2007
On Sat, Mar 17, 2007 at 01:06:54PM -0400, Steve Singer wrote:
> If your DDL has errors then you won't find out about it 
> until slon tries to execute it on the other node (slonik won't give you an 
> error but making changes just on your subscribers can have the potential 
> for all sorts of trouble if your not careful)

I think this is the reason it didn't work as expected -- I think
someone raised the objection about what sort of mess this could make.
That doesn't mean it's not useful.

This piece of functionality seems to me to be exactly the sort of area
where using savepoints on the remote note might be a good idea, but
I'm worried about the potential for really nasty locks.  I think in
the medium term, we probably need a complete proposal on how to
improve EXECUTE SCRIPT's safety, or some sort of comprehensive
discussion about the various locks that are being taken and the like.
I'm slightly worried that some of the design in that area is happening
a little _ad hoc_, and I think a more complete idea of what the
trade-offs are, and which ones we can countenance, would be really
nice to have.


Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
Afilias Canada                        Toronto, Ontario Canada
<andrew at>                              M2P 2A8
jabber: ajsaf at                 +1 416 646 3304 x4110

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