Geoffrey lists at
Fri Dec 21 17:18:32 PST 2007
cbbrowne at wrote:
>> Well, I'm not getting any bites on this issue, so either I'm the first
>> person to try this, or I have bad breath.. ;)
>> Quick question.  Is the slony_tools.conf file only used at
>> initialization and startup of the slony processes?  That is, once I've
>> got my replication up and running, is the slony_tools.conf file
>> referenced again?  The point is, I'm thinking that I can create multiple
>> slony_tools.conf files, one for each database.  Link the appropriate one
>> during the startup of slony for that database, then move on to the next
>> database once that replication is going for the first one.
>> It appears to me that the slony_tools.conf file is simply a perl module
>> that must be referenced by the code, so I'm assuming I can make this
>> work, I just don't want to be hacking a bunch of different scripts.
> There is a "start_slon" script that references the slony_tools.conf to
> find nodes.  So possibly there's a need to re-reference the .conf file.
> However, it is highly preferred to use the more modern (and WAY simpler)
> "tools/" for that purpose.  (Indeed, anyone still using
> "altperl" tools to run slons should be aware, and you guys know well who
> you are! ;-), that I decline to continue to provide support for that!)

That's good to know.  Maybe the documentation should be updated to 
reflect that?

> At any rate, the usual right answer is that the .conf file is mostly for
> constructing the cluster, and once it's running that file ought to be
> redundant.

Thanks for your input and assistance.

Until later, Geoffrey

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
  - Benjamin Franklin

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