Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Fri Aug 31 04:29:42 PDT 2007
On 8/31/2007 4:05 AM, Trinath Somanchi wrote:
>>     What is the difference between these two Versions ?
>> Seems you could notice it from the changelog.
>> For me, 1.2.11 is newer and better.
>  Can you  please send me the link to change log . I wanted to know why 
> two versions are maintained  .

The 1.1 branch is not maintained any more. The last version in the 
branch (1.1.9) is available for download, in case users of 1.1.x want to 
upgrade to the last release in their current branch instead of upgrading 
to 1.2.x which contains functional changes to 1.1.

>>     In my production environment , I do create some archive of
>>     data  which i
>>     turn creates tables . I such cases up to what level SLONY-I can be a
>>     best suable option for me.
>>     Is ther any other replicator for Postgresql available now which best
>>     fits my environment .
>> You described your environment too briefly.
>     I have a Server , which generates more activity logs when ever a 
> user connects to it .  At a needed time , I do an archive of old data , 
> which  in turn creates a table a stores the rows of the master table 
> into it .  Hence ,Do SLONY-I support this type of environment .  and is 
> there any other replication option which is best suitable for me .

This is going to be a problem.

Slony-I was not designed to support self modifying code. It works best 
with a static schema.

Aside from that there is no mechanism in Postgres that would trigger any 
notification in case of a schema change, so how would Slony-I even be 
aware of a newly created table? And even if it could figure that out, 
how would it know which new table to add to which replication set (if at 


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #

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