Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Thu Aug 30 09:18:24 PDT 2007
Jan Wieck wrote:
> On 8/29/2007 2:52 PM, Dmitry Koterov wrote:
>> And much worse - seems such DDL with comments breaks the whole 
>> replication (fortunately I have run it on a test server, not in 
>> production).
>> I watched sl_event table on a subscriber and noticed that the whole 
>> DDL (with comments included) are passed and saved in the subscriber.
> Where in the ANSI SQL standard does it allow -- comments nested inside 
> of /* ... */ comments?
> Just because Postgres itself allows it doesn't mean that every piece 
> of software working with Postgres must be aware of this, does it?
I new have a revision to address the /* */ style comments, and something 
reasonably tortuous to test them.

I'm not going to put that in the 1.2 branch, though.

I don't think DDL scripts are a good place to put entrants for the "most 
obfuscated PostgreSQL comments contest."

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