Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Thu Aug 23 06:58:20 PDT 2007
"Mikko Partio" <mpartio at> writes:
> On 8/16/07, Mikko Partio <mpartio at> wrote:
>                On 8/11/07, Mikko Partio <mpartio at> wrote:
>                     On 8/10/07, Jan Wieck <JanWieck at> wrote:
>                               I found a couple more issues with archive logging so far. Specifically
>                some related to replicating sequences (seems like this could have never
>                worked).
> For the archives: the problem was fixed at slony version 1.2.11 pre 2.

And it's the changes that went in on 2007-08-20/2007-08-21 that did
the trick...

Jan's looking at one more change that should be quite straightforward,
then we'll see about 1.2.11 "for real."
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"The  reality of  the  software business  today  is that  if you  find
something that  can make you ridiculously rich,  then that's something
that Microsoft is going to take away from you." -- Max Metral

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