Fri Aug 10 09:41:21 PDT 2007
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Hi All, I've encountered this a few times before in the past, but sometimes after I drop a table from replication, I cannot remove them from the schema. I can successfully drop them from the origin database, but on the subscriber databases, I encounter some errors, namely, the following: mydb=# begin; drop table new_gm_qm_set; BEGIN NOTICE: constraint new_gm_qm_template_qm_set_fkey on table new_gm_qm_template depends on table new_gm_qm_set NOTICE: constraint new_gm_qm_set_share_qm_set_fkey on table new_gm_qm_set_share depends on table new_gm_qm_set ERROR: "m_user_pkey" is an index mydb=# rollback; ROLLBACK mydb=# begin; alter table new_gm_qm_template drop constraint new_gm_qm_template_qm_set_fkey; BEGIN ALTER TABLE mydb=# begin; alter table new_gm_qm_set_share drop constraint new_gm_qm_set_share_qm_set_fkey; WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress BEGIN ALTER TABLE mydb=# drop table new_gm_qm_set; ERROR: "m_user_pkey" is an index mydb=# rollback; ROLLBACK mydb=# \d m_user Table "public.m_user" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------------+----------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval(('m_user_id_seq'::text)::regclass) first_name | text | not null last_name | text | not null [blah blah blah...] Indexes: "m_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) CLUSTER "m_user_email_key" UNIQUE, btree (email) "m_user_first_name_search_idx" btree (lower(first_name)) "m_user_last_name_search_idx" btree (lower(last_name)) Check constraints: "first_name_is_trimmed" CHECK (btrim(first_name, ' '::text) = first_name) "last_name_is_trimmed" CHECK (btrim(last_name, ' '::text) = last_name) Foreign-key constraints: "m_user_language_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("language") REFERENCES m_language(id) "pwd_question_fk" FOREIGN KEY (pwd_question) REFERENCES m_password_questions(id) "state_fk" FOREIGN KEY (state) REFERENCES state_province(id) "user_agreement_fk" FOREIGN KEY (user_agreement) REFERENCES m_user_agreement(id) "user_type_fk" FOREIGN KEY (default_user_type) REFERENCES m_user_type(id) Triggers: _mydb_denyaccess_7 BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON m_user FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _mydb.denyaccess('_mydb') mydb=# \d new_gm_qm_set; Table "public.new_gm_qm_set" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------+--------- +------------------------------------------------------------ id | integer | not null default nextval ('new_gm_qm_set_id_seq'::regclass) owner | integer | [blah blah blah...] Indexes: "new_gm_qm_set_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) Foreign-key constraints: "new_gm_qm_set_owner_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("owner") REFERENCES m_user(id) mydb=# begin; alter table new_gm_qm_set drop constraint new_gm_qm_set_owner_fkey; BEGIN ERROR: "m_user_pkey" is an index mydb=# rollback; ROLLBACK Not sure if this is enough detail, or if anyone would have any idea why this happens. Again, I can successfully DROP TABLE from the origin, but I cannot do so from the subscribers. Therefore, I suspect that Slony has put my subscriber nodes in a strange state. Please let me know if you need more detail. Any help would be greatly appreciated! --Richard
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