Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Wed Aug 8 08:25:57 PDT 2007
David Rees wrote:
> On 8/3/07, Christopher Browne <cbbrowne at> wrote:
>> David Rees wrote:
>>> Would it be possible to get the documentation updated/fixed as I noted
>>> in this post?
>>> Let me know if you want me to whip up some patches against CVS, I'm
>>> happy to do so.
>> Sure, that's entirely reasonable.
>> Patches to documentation do not mandate retesting anything ;-).
>> And yes, by all means, whip up some patches to CVS.  I tend to be
>> unapologetically "wordsmithing-happy" on such changes, but it's pretty
>> ideal if you start by poking at parts of the documentation to say
>> "that's where something needs to be changed."
> OK, here's some tweaks the configuration to 1. Fix what the docs claim
> are the defaults for sync interval and sync interval timeout and 2.
> Synchronize the docs a bit between slon.conf-sample and the primary
> documentation.
> Could probably use a bit more tweaking but I wanted to at least make
> sure the defaults are corrected before the next release.
> -Dave
Most of this seems fine; fixes consistency between defaults and what is 

I don't agree with the explanation about the "race condition;" I don't 
think that represents a race condition at all.  The timeout value is not 
germane to the things described; if is set higher or lower, that will 
not lead to data being replicated improperly.

The reason for having sync_interval_timeout isn't to avoid a race 
condition - it is to provide a way to say, with some confidence, "We 
have replicated this origin up to Time T" even when there have been no 
recent updates coming in from the application.

I have reworded this, and committed it to 1.2 and HEAD...

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