Dmitry Koterov dmitry at
Tue Aug 7 03:08:23 PDT 2007
Please answer one more question - more detalized...

("Non-overlapped" - I meant that the first transaction finished strictly
before the second is started. Because they are performed in a single

> if you are sure that the transactions are committed
> on the master in a particular order, you can then be sure that those are
> committed on each of the slaves in the same order
Great! That means that if I sure that the last transaction of a session is
successfully processed by a subscriber, I have to be sure that ALL previous
transactions of this session are also processed already.

> No.  That's not what that table does.  It simply replicates events to
> servers in the cluster, it doesn't guarantee that they've been processed.
> Have a look at sl_confirm.
OK, so, let's transform the question with sl_confirm usage:

UPDATE tbl SET c=3D10 WHERE d=3D10;
-- some delay (e.g. 0.1s)
SELECT max(sl_confirm.con_seqno);  -- =3D> save a result to $seqno variable

The question is: if subscriber's max(sl_confirm.con_seqno) is greater than
$seqno, could I be 100% sure that the transaction #1 is already processed
and committed by this subscriber?

On 8/6/07, Bill Moran <wmoran at> wrote:
> In response to "Dmitry Koterov" <dmitry at>:
> > Hello.
> >
> > Could you please answer three questions about Slony's transaction
> > serialization? (I suppose that two first answers will be "yes", but I'd
> like
> > to hear the opinions of gurus.) Unfortunately I cannot find direct
> answers
> > in the Slony documentation.
> >
> > 1. I have the following non-overlapped sequence of transactions in a
> > (!!!) session (connection) on an origin:
> >
> > BEGIN;
> > UPDATE tbl SET a=3D10 WHERE b=3D10;
> > --
> > -- some little delay (e.g. 0.1s)
> > --
> > BEGIN;
> > UPDATE tbl SET a=3D20 WHERE b=3D20;
> >
> > The question is: if a subscriber received and processed the result of
> the
> > transaction #2, could I be sure that it had also received and committed
> a
> > result of the transaction #1? Transactions are not overlapped.
> I'm unsure what you mean by "non-overlapped".  The whole point to a
> transaction
> is that it is an atomic operation, so, by design, transactions can't
> overlap,
> since they happen within a single atom of time.
> To answer your question, if you are sure that the transactions are
> committed
> on the master in a particular order, you can then be sure that those are
> committed on each of the slaves in the same order.  Otherwise, Slony
> wouldn't
> even work.
> > 2. I have the following sequence in a SINGLE session (also not
> overlapped):
> >
> > BEGIN;
> > UPDATE tbl SET c=3D10 WHERE d=3D10;
> > --
> > -- some delay (e.g. 0.1s)
> > --
> > SELECT nextval('some_seq');  -- =3D> save a result to $some_seq variable
> >
> > The question is: if subscriber's currval('some_seq') is greater than
> > $some_seq, could I be sure that the transaction #1 is also processed and
> > committed by this subscriber?
> How is this question different than #1?
> > 3. I have the following sequence in a SINGLE session (not overlapped):
> >
> > BEGIN;
> > UPDATE tbl SET c=3D10 WHERE d=3D10;
> > --
> > -- some delay (e.g. 0.1s)
> > --
> > SELECT max(sl_event.ev_seqno);  -- =3D> save a result to $seqno variable
> >
> > The question is: if subscriber's max(sl_event.ev_seqno) is greater than
> > $seqno, could I be 100% sure that the transaction #1 is already
> processed
> > and committed by this subscriber?
> No.  That's not what that table does.  It simply replicates events to
> other
> servers in the cluster, it doesn't guarantee that they've been processed.
> Have a look at sl_confirm.
> --
> Bill Moran
> Collaborative Fusion Inc.
> wmoran at
> Phone: 412-422-3463x4023
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