Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Fri Aug 3 13:55:01 PDT 2007
David Rees wrote:
> On 8/3/07, Christopher Browne <cbbrowne at> wrote:
>> See <> for linkage to the tarball for a pre-release
>> of 1.2.11.
> Would it be possible to get the documentation updated/fixed as I noted
> in this post?
> Let me know if you want me to whip up some patches against CVS, I'm
> happy to do so.
> -Dave
Sure, that's entirely reasonable.

Patches to documentation do not mandate retesting anything ;-).

And yes, by all means, whip up some patches to CVS.  I tend to be 
unapologetically "wordsmithing-happy" on such changes, but it's pretty 
ideal if you start by poking at parts of the documentation to say 
"that's where something needs to be changed."

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