Hiroshi Saito z-saito at guitar.ocn.ne.jp
Mon Apr 30 23:36:27 PDT 2007

Sorry very late reaction.

> Yes, I did.
> I tried the slonik in cmd.
> It's worked.
> I could create cluster.

Ok. it mean there is no problem in Slony?

> The cluster name is replica.
> I used small letters only.
> I think it isn't work.
> Please see the picture and an attached files.

Ahh, There might be a problem in the operation method for the reasons 
that the GUI setting of pgAdminIII is more complex than that of slonik.
Then,  to use slonik when being newly set it for the time being, 
I recommend it. 

I set the following scripts to your confirming the operation.
Probably, some users should learn the usage of the slon service seeing it.

Hiroshi Saito

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