ian.clark at theseventhdomain.com ian.clark at theseventhdomain.com
Wed Apr 25 02:38:57 PDT 2007

Can any one help? I am having a problem starting the slon daemons. I can start them from the windows command line using:-

slon.exe -f shldbp03.master.conf

and the daemon will start. However if I start the slony windows service nothing happens I get this message in the windows event viewer:-

INFO   started 0 slon engine(s)

My conf file is as follows:-

cluster_name = 'provisioning_db_cluster'
conn_info = 'dbname=provisioning host=localhost user=slony password=password'

I have run slon with the -regservice and -addengine parameters and I now have the relevant registry entries:-

"C:\\mfuse\\slony scripts\\shldbp03.master.conf"="C:\\mfuse\\slony scripts\\shldbp03.master.conf"

We are using Windows Server 2003 R2. This happens on both the master and the slave machines.

Does anyone know why the service is not starting the daemons? Am I doing something silly?

Kind regards

Ian Clark

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