Gavin Hamill gdh at
Wed Apr 25 01:35:58 PDT 2007
Andrew Hammond wrote:
> On 4/20/07, *Gavin Hamill* <gdh at 
> <mailto:gdh at>> wrote:
>     What I really wanted to know is... why does read-only node 2 care what
>     read-only node 3 is doing? I must surely be able to remove 80% of
>     the listens
>     and associated acknowledgment overhead?
> Because subscribers are not read-only. They have the ability to be 
> promoted to origin status. If you don't ever intend to promote a node, 
> you can set forward=false for it's subscription and achieve some savings 
> on the node (by not storing log info).

Hi Andrew :)

I already set forward=false on all nodes except the one genuine backup 
machine. I take it that even on such forward=false nodes, I must still 
have bi-directional paths set up between two adjacent subscribers?

> If you want subscribers that really don't cost any extra to the cluster, 
> have you considered sl log shipping?

I haven't - didn't want to introduce an rsync cronjob into the mix when 
connections via postgresql seemed to operate OK - it's food for thought, 
though :)


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