Andy frum at
Thu Apr 12 07:16:08 PDT 2007
Hi to all, 
Another thing that I tried with slony and didn't work out, but probably
again I am missing something. 
DB a has 2 sets. 
DB b subscribes to set1 with provider a.
DB c subscribes to set1 with provider b. 
Untill now everything is fine, replication works well. 
Now is it possible in parallel DB c to subscribe to set2 with provider a??? 
I tried to do this, but after I made the subscription the b->c replication
stopped working also the a->c replication didn't work out. 
As error I received somehting similar to:
slony  node -1 not found in runtime configuration or something similar, I
don't have the error now. 
As a diagram:
a        b        c
s1 ->  s1 -> s1
s2------------->s2     ????????
Ok, the main question would be: can a node subscribe to multiple different
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