Cyril Pinto apinto
Fri Oct 27 05:10:10 PDT 2006
I got the same error  and i've  just replaced in  the 

max (usesysid)  by  *max (int8(usesysid))  (do it for all insert in the file)*

and all go well after !

Joost Kraaijeveld a ?crit :
> Hi,
> If I run created by (Slony-I 1.1.5)
> I get the following error:
> LOG:  statement: insert into pg_shadow (usename, usesysid, usecreatedb,
> usesuper, usecatupd, passwd, valuntil, useconfig) values ('jkr',(select
> case when max (usesysid) + 1 < 100 then 100 else max (usesysid) + 1 end
> from pg_shadow),'t','t','t','md*********','infinity',null)
> ERROR:  operator does not exist: oid + integer
> HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You may
> need to add explicit type casts.
> Why is this (there is a cast from oid to int4 and int8?) and what can I
> do to correct this? 

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