John Sidney-Woollett johnsw
Tue Oct 24 02:48:43 PDT 2006
Replace _slonrep by your own cluster name.


db=# \dt _slonrep.sl_*

                   List of relations
   Schema  |      Name      | Type  |  Owner
  _slonrep | sl_config_lock | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_confirm     | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_event       | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_listen      | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_log_1       | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_log_2       | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_node        | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_nodelock    | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_path        | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_seqlog      | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_sequence    | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_set         | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_setsync     | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_subscribe   | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_table       | table | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_trigger     | table | postgres
(16 rows)

db=# \dv _slonrep.sl_*

                   List of relations
   Schema  |      Name      | Type  |  Owner
  _slonrep | sl_seqlastvalue | view | postgres
  _slonrep | sl_status       | view | postgres
(2 rows)

db=# select st_origin,st_received,st_lag_num_events,st_lag_time from 

  st_origin | st_received | st_lag_num_events |   st_lag_time
          1 |           2 |                 0 | 00:00:08.250889
(1 row)

tomekbu wrote:
> Hello!!
> I have been using slony for several days. Its very usfull tool. Now I 
> have two questions:
> 1. How can view, search the table that slony hold all its paths, nodes, 
> sets etc?? Can I look in it with postgreSQL?
> 2. Is there any request in slony that will tell me when slave database 
> has been totally replicated. I mean process of replication finished with 
> success and both master database and slave database are the same???
> Please its very important for me, so if somebody has any idea ill be 
> very greatefull!!!
> Best Regards,
> Tomasz Burda
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