Andrew Sullivan ajs
Sun Oct 15 09:15:01 PDT 2006
On Sun, Oct 15, 2006 at 10:15:32AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> "Andrew And" <andcop2006 at> wrote:
> In my tests, I've been able to push the database hard enough that the
> slave gets several 1000 records out of sync with the master.  When I
> stop the traffic generator, though, Slony is able to catch everything
> back up in less than 5 seconds.

Yes, but there is not, in general, a way to guarantee that the
replica will never be more than n seconds behind transactions
committed on the origin, which is what I think the OP wanted.  This
is effectively impossible, because we don't control the OS or the
network.  If you could guarantee certain levels of network flow, and
guarantee some maximum load on your origin, you should be able to be
pretty certain of throughput.  But I still wouldn't commit to a hard
number that was not somewhere in the 60 second range.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at
Everything that happens in the world happens at some place.
		--Jane Jacobs 

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