Mikko Partio dun
Thu Nov 30 23:26:54 PST 2006
Ashish Karalkar wrote:

> I need to insert new table in an existing replication
> set for that i want to create new set.
> can anybody please tell me do i need to create this
> new set in the same replication cluster in which it
> will be merged later on and If yes how to do it??
> I used giving same cluster name in the slonik script
> for creating new set but it gives error that cluster
> already exist.

Yes you should create it to the same cluster. It seems that you have 
tried to create the cluster again, which isn't the proper course of action.

You should first specify the preamble and then use the create 
set-command. For more info you really should see the Slony guide: 


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