Dave Price kinaole
Wed Nov 29 13:41:07 PST 2006

I am trying to get slony to replicate a single table from an existing database.

My initial test is using a backup of that table in a separate database
(different servers actually)

I am able to run the pgbench example okay.

When I use my own data, the master will start up fine, but the
subscriber node always says:

[davep at htpc:~/proj/slony]$ ./start_cdr_slave.sh
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST CONFIG main: slon version 1.1.5 starting up
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST CONFIG main: local node id = 1
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST CONFIG main: launching sched_start_mainloop
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST CONFIG main: loading current cluster configuration
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST CONFIG storeSet: set_id=1 set_origin=1
set_comment='test cdr table'
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST CONFIG main: configuration complete - starting threads
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST DEBUG1 localListenThread: thread starts
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST FATAL  localListenThread: "select
"_cdr01".cleanupNodelock(); insert into "_cdr01".sl_nodelock values (
  1, 0, "pg_catalog".pg_backend_pid()); " - ERROR:  duplicate key
violates unique constraint "sl_nodelock-pkey"
2006-11-29 14:35:02 MST DEBUG1 slon: shutdown requested
[davep at htpc:~/proj/slony]$

I found some notes about the duplicate key error, but they talk about
a 2nd slon process, which I am sure is not running.

1> What causes this when I create the the master and slave db's from scratch?

2> Is there a way to fix it in place - without dropping the replca and
starting all over?

Thanks for any help!!


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