Shaun Thomas sthomas
Wed Nov 29 12:30:23 PST 2006
>>> On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at  2:00 PM, Christopher Browne
<cbbrowne at>

> Look, the last developer doing serious work on the "altperl" scripts
> a change in involvements about a year and a half ago, and has ceased
> efforts.

Didn't know that.  In fact, up until you just said something, every
other place I've looked (postgres mailing lists, google searches, etc)
suggested using the altperl stuff.  Then again, one of the things I
noticed was that aside from the paths, slonik_init_cluster actually
allocated the nodes correctly; I would have made the exact same script. 
But when I actually ran the commands against slony was when node 3
failed to register in sl_node with node 2.

But since that's out of the way, I've done a slon_kill and slon_start
to get things going again, and I'm getting tons of errors.  Foreign key
constraint violations (sl_path, sl_subscribe), thread terminations, core
dumps, etc.  I'll recompile with debugging so the backtrace makes at
least some sense other than "bus error."

What's odd is that 1.2.0 worked fine except for the log-switching

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