Erik G. Burrows erik
Tue Nov 28 15:22:36 PST 2006
I have four PostgreSQL databases, all 8.1, except for one that is 7.4

I just altered my replication configuration to drop two tables from a
replication set on node 2, in order to create a new set, origin node 2,
that would be replicated to node 1, 3 and 4, like this:

set drop table (origin=2, id = 1052);
set drop table (origin=2, id = 1029);

create set (id=6, origin=2, comment='Customer config for spawn');

set add table (set id=6, origin=2, id=6001, fully qualified name =
set add table (set id=6, origin=2, id=6002, fully qualified name =

subscribe set ( id = 6, provider = 2, receiver = 1, forward = yes);
subscribe set ( id = 6, provider = 2, receiver = 3, forward = yes);
subscribe set ( id = 6, provider = 2, receiver = 4, forward = yes);

After executing these slonik commands, node 1 is replicating the new set
(id=6) fine, but nodes 3 and 4 are not, and both spitting out these logs
from slon:

2006-11-28 15:19:55 PST WARN   remoteWorkerThread_2: copy set: data
provider 2 only on sync -1 - sleep 5 seconds
2006-11-28 15:20:00 PST WARN   remoteWorkerThread_2: copy set: data
provider 2 only on sync -1 - sleep 5 seconds
2006-11-28 15:20:05 PST WARN   remoteWorkerThread_2: copy set: data
provider 2 only on sync -1 - sleep 5 seconds

Any ideas on how I can get these guys on speaking terms again?

  Erik G. Burrows

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